Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Step Forward.....Lots of Steps Back....

DSC_8891.JPGVW Perry Photos
Buddy at Spring Bay HT Novice

So it has been a while since my last post, and with good reason! I have been eating, sleeping, and breathing wedding planning and lessons. Since April 14 I have had a wedding or event, and I keep going until July 21. Well, every weekend but May-Daze HT, but more about that later. On top of that I have had two students catch the showing bug, and my days off from my real job were spent at horse shows with the girls. They all did fantastic, and learned a ton. Here is a breakdown of the shows we went to!

      Morris Farm Schooling Hunter Show: Allison and Lucy placed 5th in both poles classes, and 2nd in the flat class
       Lakeside Arena May H/J Show - Allison and Lucy - 2 4ths and a 2nd in the poles
                              and flat classes; 2 5ths and a 3rd in the crossrails
                     Sydney and Godiva- 2nd and 3rd in the cross rails, and 1st in the flat class
      Ballyhigh H/J Show - Allison and Lucy - 1 and 2nd in the poles, 1st in the flat for champion of the division! 5th in cross rails and 4th in the flat class against a ton of older riders!
        4-H Districts - District 4 - Allison and Lucy- 2nd in showmanship; 2nd in hunter under saddle, 1st in equitation
                      Sydney and Godiva - 1st in Showmanship, 1 in Beginner Horse Over Fences, 4th in Equitation over fences, 1st in Hunter Pony under saddle

Bourbon County 4-H Horse Show - Allison and Lucy - 2nd in Showmanship, 4th in Equitation under saddle, 2nd in hunter under saddle
                                       Sydney and Godiva - 1st in Showmanship, 5th in Beginner Hunter over  fences, 3rd in hunter under saddle
                                       Callie and Scooter - 4th Showmanship, 4th Hunter under saddle

State 4-H Horse Show - Sydney and Godiva - 7th Showmanship, 7th Over Fences, 8th Under Saddle

So needless to say it has been busy. Unfortunately, I haven't had to worry about riding Buddy during this time :( We were all set for our move up to training at May-Daze. After Spring Bay I gave him a couple of weekes to chill and just work lightly. He always comes back so happy to be back in full work, and he definitely did. His canter was improving by leaps and bounds, and because of this his stadium was also improving. Gone was the horse who decided everything, and he was replaced by a horse who could add or take out striding. We decided to attend the first May XC schooling at the horse park. Man, was it insane! Horses galloping everywhere. Buddy isn't one to get frazzled on the XC course, dressage yes, but give him solid jumps and he is a happy camper. Because of the craziness I couldn't let him really go to the jump, as there were people cutting in front of everyone all the time. Buddy wasn't happy with the start and stop of the whole thing, but he got really happy once we got to the water. Jumps in and out, no problem. Then we attempted to school the drop into water. I came in at a trot and Buddy jumped down no problem. Upon landing though, it felt like he just got stuck in the water with his front legs, and my whole balance shifted forward and BAM, my pelvis hit right on the pommel of the saddle. At that point I was ok, and went right back down the bank and stayed back even more no problem. We went on to school a couple training jumps and stopped with that. That Saturday at work, I started to experience the same piercing pelvic pain I had last year. Unfortunately, the pain persisted for weeks, and much to my despair, I ended up scratching from May-Daze.

 I was really upset with the whole thing, and I still am. All my friend are out competing, and I'm stuck watching Buddy torment the others because he has nothing to do. Lindsey rode him for me when we had hopped I still might be able to ride, but since I have yet to get back on him, we stopped working him as it was pointless. I've just started riding again, and its been very controlled. I'm back on all my medications I had weaned myself off of, and trying to stay on a strict diet.

Right now all competition plans are on hold once again. I may try for an event in the fall, but we will see. A move-up this year isn't likely, as I don't have one weekend off for the fall events. So it looks likes dressage boot camp for a while, and maybe some jumpers this fall, since most of the local shows are on Sundays.

Its been hard, but once again I am valuing my time in the saddle and with my horse. Its nice to be able to relax and have no pressure, just enjoying each other's company. Don't get me wrong, I desperately want to be out on the cross country course, but I'm not going to push it. So we will look towards a spring season, and possibly getting south a few times depending on my schedule and funds :)

I will try to update more, especially on the girls and their progress. If you want to keep up with my "real job" check out my blog on the Opera House's website!

  1. - Angela

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